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Post by curmudgeonhttp://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7fc_1181665828&p=1
"There is no GOD but GOD
and Muhammad is the messenger of GOD
May GOD bless the prophet Muhammad
and his people just like he blessed
Abraham and his people"
JUST A THEORY, I apologize to GOD for not being accurate.
Seems like GOD creates genetically altered humans for vessels to house his
beings. Problem is just like laws of Physics, there's laws that must be
followed for whatever reason.
So he alters a caveman, and inserts a being into it. Then he clones that
human body and inserts a being into that also, basically creating a self
creating vessel so ALL the beings can be rotated to earth for 0-120 years,
for whatever reason.
So here we are, somewhere near the delta of the tigris river, 2 beings
"vessels" capable of reproduction. All is going according to plan.
But then....here comes the devil. He is a lawyer according to the way he is
described prior to being kicked out. So he plays the laws. He tells the two
beings the truth, but it's propaganda truth. He knows once they know the
rules they are subject to them. And he succeeds.
Now all who follow them are screwed according to the law.
So.....GOD and his son and whoever he has around him decides to do the
first "socially engineered hack" in human history. He plays the laws. He
sends his son down here, and tricks the devil into getting man to kill him.
That was the plan. And it worked like a charm, man is saved due to the law.
A sacrifice can be made in place of the lawbreaker. "loophole"
So....Chrisianity explodes in the year 100 and starts spreading the
loophole law all over the earth. Even the romans were saved. (imagine that)
The devil or whoever then decides he has to do something. He sends a guy
named Mohammad to Jeruselum to try to stop Chrisianity, but it's just too
far along, and Mohammad ends up literally thrown out of Jeruselum ass first.
Hmmmm, so then the devil decides to fight fire with fire, sets up a social
engineering job of his own. Sends mohammad back in to Jeruselum lots of
years later, but this time he does what he did at the garden, he tells
truths mixed in lies...propaganda.
He says....Yah Abraham is our father, Adam and Eve were the first,
etc...But Jesus being GOD....naw, BUt he was a prophet. (He had to say he
was a prophet, because his prophesies were written down and dispersed all
over the middle east by now). But Jesus never said he was GOD, so he played
that one out.
What happened after that was Christianity stopped cold in its tracks, and
looking on a map you realize it was literally surrounded by moslems on all
sides. It worked.
One problem though....the crusades.
The crusades were a war between GOD and the devil by proxy. It wasn't
whitey going to steal relics, It was war.
They totally understood and seen the circle of moslems around Jeruselum,
even in their day. Thats what the templars were for, protecting the
Christains from the surrounding Moslems.
Now lets see who's winning....
What we are seeing now is a last ditch effort at the end of days to win
some ground. There's not enough time for another SE, so it's all out war.
You guys know we are on the second to last pope right?
Prophesied long ago. It's gonna get hot and heavy real soon.