(too old to reply)
2007-10-30 21:24:56 UTC
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"There is nothing wrong with nepotism
just so long as you keep it in the family."
2007-10-30 21:27:05 UTC
(º·.ž(š*·.ž ž.·*š)ž.·º)
(ž.·º(ž.·š* *š·.ž)º·.ž)

Family is yours mine theirs and ours,
but not necessarily in that order.
2007-10-31 17:03:46 UTC
The ancient Celts who lived some 2,000 years ago, started their calendar on
November 1st.
To celebrate their new year's eve,they would disguise themselves in animal
skins and attempt to predict each other's future,believing that the ghosts
returning from the dead provided a conduit for allowing accurate fortune
While the tradition of reading tea leaves and peering into crystal balls has
faded into obscurity in many western cultures, the US included, most still
celebrate October 31st. by donning disguises.
Now this holiday is called Halloween,a reference to it falling on the eve or
"een" of the Christian holiday of All Saints Day or All Hallows Day.
Those days, economists and others of like mind are positively agog that
Halloween has evolved into a $5 billion retail holiday, a figure that
translates into roughly $60 in Halloween spending for every man, woman and
child in the US.
We will leave it to others to argue another crass example of peculiarity
American commercial excess, or the triumph of secular ideologues over
religious beliefs.
Even though there's always been a deliciously evil allure to Halloween that
appeals to adults - all that business about devils, witches, vampires,
werewolves, black cats, sorcery and the like - Halloween is just another
holiday for kids and that's the way it should be, perhaps!

(º·.ž(š*·.ž ž.·*š)ž.·º)
(ž.·º(ž.·š* *š·.ž)º·.ž)

"There is nothing wrong with nepotism
just so long as you keep it in the family."
2007-10-31 17:47:24 UTC
OK so just what is your personal favorite Halloween costume
that you like to wear?

#1. Your favorite HERO real or make believe.
#2. Your favorite VILLAIN real or make believe.
#3. Your ALTER-EGO male or female.
#4. OTHER, as your imagination or fantasy takes you.

(º·.ž(š*·.ž ž.·*š)ž.·º)
(ž.·º(ž.·š* *š·.ž)º·.ž)

Family is yours mine theirs and ours,
but not necessarily in that order.
2007-10-31 19:12:21 UTC
I thought that was incest????????
Post by family
(º·.ž(š*·.ž ž.·*š)ž.·º)
(ž.·º(ž.·š* *š·.ž)º·.ž)
"There is nothing wrong with nepotism
just so long as you keep it in the family."
2007-11-01 19:41:52 UTC
Oct 31st 2007 12:00 PM

The New York Center for the Strange (I'm not making this up) has conducted
a poll of 355 "statistically representative" witches (really, I'm not
making this up) to determine their opinion of the election line up in
November '08. The results:

Hillary Clinton and Wesley Clark vs. Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee.

The witches agreed to predict the winner of the election as soon as they
could procure an eye of newt for a spell to summon Nostradamus for counsel.
(OK, I made that up.)

While the witches claim no prophetic augury of the future, it should be
noted that they were correct in the last election. Although, if the Center
aims to "upgrade the perception of witches," I'm afraid they might have just
lost the support of Obama and Romney voters everywhere!

"There are no enemies in science just anomalies."

2007-11-10 18:58:44 UTC
For any one whose views on or about hunting that were influenced impart by
Walt Disney's movie *Bambi* that is now more than *50* years old,(believe it
or not).
It is quite likely that you might consider the news out of northwestern
Colorado over the past weekend to be Bambi's long over due and quite
justifiable revenge.
A hunter stalking big game roughly 15 miles south of Craig shot and downed a
buck deer.
When the hunter approached the downed animal, the buck jumped to its feet
and gored the unsuspecting hunter, apparently inflicting "significant
injuries" according to Division of Wildlife spokesman Randy Hampton.
Anti-Hunting types have regularly noted that stalking deer, elk or moose
with high-powered, modern-day rifles does not exactly represent the
relatively "equal" contest that existed when primitive man hunted wooly
mammoths with little more than a long stick with a sharpened stone tied to
the end of it.
A good point, that, but one that doesn't override the fact that modern-day
hunting can still be a fundamentally risky sport.
We wish the unlucky man a speedy recovery.

(º·.ž(š*·.ž ž.·*š)ž.·º)
(ž.·º(ž.·š* *š·.ž)º·.ž)

"There is nothing wrong with nepotism
just so long as you keep it in the family"

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